“[The event is] organized annually by the World Fair Trade Organization (WFTO) to raise awareness on alternative solutions to the planet’s economic and ecological challenges. Fair Trade Enterprises led the celebration together with the sister movements, allies, government leaders and consumers. The 2022 celebration focuses on Climate Justice and the solutions presented by the Fair Trade, cooperative and organic movements. The ecological and social justice crisis we are currently facing must be addressed with fresh solutions. Together we can make a difference.”
-The Fair Trade Day Organization
Let’s take a second to sit and reflect.
Where does your everyday cup of coffee come from?
Who is truly responsible for the creation and production of the clothes you buy and wear?
Who is really producing the food and wine you pick up from the local grocery store?
The answer is - Low-wage workers.
The problem with low-wage labor is something we believe is frequently discussed but not always grasped. What are the working conditions for these workers?
The following are common, but not exclusive, circumstances in which these workers experience :
Poor health and safety
Child labor
Forced labor
Low Wages
Abusive management
Disaster risk
Long hours

Now that I’m aware of these issues, what do I do to help?
Find alternatives
Try checking if products bear the Fair Trade label
Look for companies that have signed on to the Fair Food Campaign of the Coalition of Immokalee Workers
Union-made apparel is an excellent choice for the garment industry or making sure your garments come from any Fair Trade company that is certified by Fair Trade USA or a member of the Fair Trade Federation
Considering alternatives and taking action go hand in hand. Finding alternatives entails conducting research. And we promise - it will be well worth your time!
Take action!
Do your research! Check the labels before purchases, to make sure it is just for humans and the environment. A little can go a long way, with just one person at a time helping the cause - the world will become a better place.
And finally, World Fair Trade Day comes to the rescue!
Sadly, there are many more concerns that need to be addressed, including low wages and poor treatment of workers. As well as environmental and economic challenges.
With this objective, WFTO aspires to “[having] an actionable step toward reducing poverty, mistreatment of workers, climate issues, and economic constraints around the world.”
Why is Fair Trade Day so important?
The answer is clear to us. However, this may not be the case for others. So, why IS Fair Trade Day so important?
Making the world a better place by promoting an ethical lifestyle.
It serves as a reminder to not take common products for granted.
The environment will benefit, as well as humans.
Fair Trade Day is a global celebration held on the second Saturday of May each year. The day serves as a reminder to keep aware of the highlighted concerns in this article and to work every day to help address them.
Every year, a new topic is picked to be the main emphasis of the day, which we'll discuss this year's theme shortly, but first remember…
Aside from unreasonable working circumstances, there are several more problems to consider. Such as climate change, assisting in the battle against the economic crisis, gender inequality, and, most importantly, poverty.
The Theme for 2022… Climate Justice.
“The aim of Climate Justice is to deliver fair, inclusive and sustainable solutions to people who are suffering the effects of the climate crisis while addressing the root causes of climate change.” -WFTO
Climate Justice is a movement that recognizes climate change may have varying social, economic, public health, and other negative effects on impoverished communities, as well as certain genders and ages.
Have you ever heard of massive amounts of carbon and greenhouse gasses being emitted into the atmosphere? I hope you have. (If not check out our previous blog post, “What can you do to lessen your carbon footprint?”)
And did you know the primary reason for this is mass production of goods? MIND. BLOWN.
“Amassing the global market with consumer goods has also led to waste and pollution crises. As a result, we are facing a global ecological breakdown that is threatening our very survival. The environmental challenges are already impacting communities and endangering the sustainability of livelihoods of producers. Yes, we are all affected, but the marginalized communities who are least responsible for the climate problem are suffering the most”
The following groups, movements and companies have partnered together to help make waves in the Climate Justice Movement:
Fair Trade
organic movements
social enterprise
Cooperative social solidarity
economy movements
Do your part too, wherever you can.
Need help with solutions?
“Regenerative agriculture is an alternative means of producing food that, its advocates claim, may have lower—or even net positive—environmental and/or social impacts… For example, Rhodes (2017) claimed that “regenerative agriculture has at its core the intention to improve the health of soil or to restore highly degraded soil, which symbiotically enhances the quality of water, vegetation and land-productivity.”” -Environmental Studies Program, University of Colorado Boulder, Sustainability, Energy and Environment Community, Boulder, CO, United States
Start recycling your plastic. Where you can, also reduce your plastic usage overall to reusable items. Today’s time is making it a bit easier to recycle and have access to reusable resources.
Carbon neutral production. “Climate Neutral Certified combines those two things in a verified seal of approval indicating that a product comes from a company taking responsibility for the carbon emissions of its entire supply chain. The idea, according to CEO Austin Whitman, is to make those headache-inducing decisions a little easier — and provide clear, simple actions for folks who want to tread more lightly on the planet.” -Claire Elise Thompson
Use eco-friendly natural dyes on fabric
And so much more. Just do your research!
Live sustainably, be aware and fight back. Together we can make a difference!
Did you know? 52% of Fair Trade Enterprises are led by women

Click here or on the image to visit World Fair Trade Organization right now! The more you learn, the more you can contribute to the solutions.