The 11th of November is observed as Remembrance Day in many countries throughout the world to commemorate the signing of the armistice that brought an end to World War I between the Allies and Germany. In the United States, November 11 is known as Veteran's Day, and it is celebrated as a day to honor and remember all of the people who have served in the military. Today, we remember and recognize those heroes, however, Helpsy is proud to help our Veterans all year long through our partnership with the New Jersey chapter of American Veterans (AMVETS).
AMVETS exists to provide vital aid to veterans after they have completed their service. More than 100,000 veterans are projected to be homeless on any given night, and many veterans struggle to find work after returning home from military service. AMVETS offers a wide range of programs, including free assistance to people wanting to file a VA claim, support and advocacy for mental health issues through the HEAL Program, and AMVETS Against Drug and Alcohol Abuse, which works with young people to educate them about the dangers of substance abuse.
Helpsy places a high priority on ensuring that the company is actively contributing to the communities in which it operates. After all, our local communities and citizens are the reason we continue our mission. We are firm believers that clothing recycling is a win - win solution, not only for our planet, but also for our community members and the charity organizations with which we partner to provide fundraising opportunities. Helpsy is so proud of our partnership with AMVETS in the state of New Jersey, which provides almost 600 clothes collection bins as well as a drop-off storefront site in Middletown, NJ where you can learn more about Helpsy. AMVETS NJ will benefit from a portion of the proceeds, which will go towards funding programs for New Jersey veterans. This prevents unwanted clothing from going to waste while also funding important initiatives for our Veterans. Since our founding Helpsy has donated over $400,000 to veterans organizations like AMVETS, and is committed to supporting veteran service members in any way we can.
“Recycled clothing aids in reducing waste in landfills, which is of great help to the environment. However, AMVETS is most grateful for the funding received through our collaboration with HELPSY. It allows AMVETS to provide our services and to fulfill our mission."
If you would like to show your support for AMVETS on this day honoring veterans, you can either visit their website to learn more about the ways in which they are involved in your community or, if you are a resident of the state of New Jersey, the next time you have some clothes that you would have otherwise thrown away, put them in a HELPSY bin labeled with an AMVETS sticker. We want to wish all of our service members a happy Veterans Day and let them know how much we appreciate the sacrifices they have made for our country.
If you would like to show your support for AMVETS on this day honoring veterans, you can either visit their website to learn more about the ways in which they are involved in your community or, if you are a resident of the state of New Jersey, the next time you have some clothes that you would have otherwise thrown away, put them in a HELPSY bin labeled with an AMVETS sticker. We want to wish all of our service members a happy Veterans Day and let them know how much we appreciate the sacrifices they have made for our country.